
Machu Picchu

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Travel to Machu Picchu

Marvel at Machu Picchu's beauty by trekking the Inca Trail or taking the train. Immerse yourself in Peru's iconic ancient city, where history and nature entwine. Let us help you plan your unforgettable journey!

Machu Picchu tours are enriching adventures through history and nature. Trek the Inca Trail, and you’ll follow a path that winds through mountains and forests, retracing the footsteps of the ancient Incas who built the citadel over 600 years ago. Upon reaching Machu Picchu, often at dawn, the mist parts to reveal the awe-inspiring citadel nestled amidst majestic mountains.

Guided tours pf the ruins unveil the significance of each structure, from the Temple of the Sun to the Sacred Plaza. Yet, Machu Picchu transcends mere ruins; it's a testament to human ingenuity set against a backdrop of unparalleled natural beauty.

Perched on a high-altitude plateau, surrounded by the breathtaking scenery of countless picturesque mountains, Machu Picchu captivates with its historical and spiritual significance. Even if its history doesn't move you, its landscape surely will.

Ultimately, a journey to Machu Picchu is more than a visit to a famous site—it's a profound connection to history and nature, leaving an enduring impression.

See our extensive range of tours and travel packages to Machu Picchu, and when you’re ready to book your once-in-a-lifetime visit, contact one of our Destination Specialists who'll be happy to help you plan a seamless journey.


What is the altitude of Machu Picchu?

Machu Picchu sits at an altitude of 2,430 meters (7,970 ft). While altitude sickness is common due to the elevation, symptoms like headaches and nausea can be managed by acclimatizing in Cusco or the Sacred Valley before visiting. Staying hydrated and avoiding heavy meals also help.

When is the best time to visit Machu Picchu?

The best time of year to visit Machu Picchu is from May to October, during the dry season in the Central Andes. This is also the winter season in Peru, and coupled with the altitude, it makes for fresh days and cold nights—however, the lack of rains in winter promises mostly crystal-clear skies and comfortable temperatures for trekking.

How to get to Machu Picchu

There are two main options, both of which begin in the ancient Inca capital, Cusco. From here:

Hiking: Embark on a multi-day trek through the Andes, retracing the steps of the ancient Incas. Plan for 7-10 days, including acclimatization in Cusco, the hike, and a rest day.

Taking the Train: Enjoy a leisurely train ride from Cusco, to Aguas Caliente, the ‘base town’ for visits to Machu Picchu. Stay overnight and hike at sunrise, or take a bus directly to the citadel’s entrance.

Which is the best circuit at Machu Picchu?

The best circuit at Machu Picchu depends on your interests and fitness level. For a classic day trip, we recommend Circuit 2A or 2B, as both cover the main citadel—2A includes the upper terraces, and 2B the lower terraces. If you're doing the Inca Trail, you'll follow Circuit 3B, and will need extra entry permits if you want to visit the citadel. For those interested in hikes like Huayna Picchu, your choice of circuit will vary depending on your arrival time, and you may need two days to fully explore.

Once you enter your chosen circuit you cannot enter areas that are outside of the route, so we do recommend discussing your options with a Destination Specialist to ensure your tour of Machu Picchu is right for you.

When should I book my visit to Machu Picchu?

It's advisable to book your visit to Machu Picchu well in advance due to limited ticket availability. Tickets sell out quickly, especially during peak season (May to October). The Peruvian government limits the number of visitors per day to preserve the site, so securing your tickets as early as possible is essential. Booking several months in advance is recommended for popular treks like the Inca Trail. In contrast, train and entrance tickets to Machu Picchu should ideally be booked at least a few weeks before your planned visit – ideally, though, at the same time as you book your flight ticket and tour of Peru.

Do I need to be fit to visit Machu Picchu?

While you don't need to be a super athlete, a reasonable fitness level can enhance your experience at Machu Picchu. The site involves walking and exploring uneven terrain at an elevated altitude, including some steep steps and hills. If you plan to hike the Inca Trail or other trekking routes, a higher level of fitness is necessary due to the physical demands of the trek.

However, for those who prefer not to trek, taking the train to Aguas Calientes and then a bus or walking to the entrance of Machu Picchu is a less physically demanding option. Overall, being moderately fit will allow you to fully enjoy Machu Picchu's wonders with ease.

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