
Sub Antarctic Islands & Cruises

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Travel the Sub Antarctic Islands

New Zealand is the perfect gateway to explore the Sub Antarctic Islands, with Macquarie Island, Snares Island, as well as the Auckland and Campbell Islands being major highlights. Check out our range of cruises departing from New Zealand.

Go where few others have been before!

Explore the seldom visited Sub Antarctic Islands of New Zealand and Australia. The Snares, Macquarie, Campbell and Auckland Islands have their own unique natural and historic profile. The Snares boast colossal populations of nesting seabirds, the penguin population of Macquarie Island is in the millions. Seals and elephant seals line the shores of Macquarie and Auckland Islands and countless sea and land birds fill the air with their chatter. On Campbell Island, explore the nesting site of the Southern Royal Albatross.

Or perhaps take a cruise further south and explore wild and remote Ross Sea area of Antarctica. Visit penguin rookeries, historic sites, and be wowed by whales, seals and an enormous abundance of bird life.

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Our Vessels

Heritage Adventurer

140 Passengers

Le Soléal

264 (200 in Antarctica) Passengers

Douglas Mawson

154 Passengers

Greg Mortimer

132 Passengers