Galapagos: Archipel I I 5 day

From Baltra Island to San Cristobal Island
  • Ecuador
  • Galapagos Islands
  • Small Ship Cruising
  • Wildlife and Nature
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Tour Description

Experience the ultimate Galapagos getaway aboard the elegant Archipel I catamaran.

Set sail to discover the wonders of the archipelago, starting with the iconic Fausto Llerena Breeding Centre, home to giant tortoises and land iguanas. Dive into the crystal-clear waters of Devil's Crown and witness an amazing underwater world, including Galapagos penguins and sea turtles. Explore historic sites like Post Office Bay and Baroness Lookout, where centuries-old traditions and breathtaking views await. Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Española Island, from the bustling sea lion colonies to the blowhole at Suarez Point. End your journey with encounters with playful sea lions at Pitt Point and the diverse birdlife of Witch Hill.

The Archipel I offers 8 comfortable cabins for up to 16 passengers with two sea-view windows. The lounge, solarium, resting areas and ‘Al Fresco’ dining area are great choices for you to relax and enjoy the nature that surrounds you.

Viva's Best Bits...

Spot Galapagos giant tortoises, roaming through the highlands in Santa Cruz

Dramatic and full of wildlife, visit Española with waved albatrosses, marine iguanas and more.

"Journey to the far east - Pitt Point gives you the chance to see all 3 boobies, Nazca, blue- and red-footed boobies!" Tara, Team Viva

Tour Itinerary

Day 1
Baltra Island Santa Cruz Island

ARCHIPEL I Catamaran 5 day itinerary B

*Galapagos excursions are subject to change without prior notice. Changes in plans may arise due to weather conditions, National Park regulations, or other unforeseen circumstances

Fly from Quito or Guayaquil to the Galapagos Islands. Arrival at Baltra Airport and transfer in.

Fausto Llerena Breeding Centre
At this site, you can observe tortoises that come from various islands of the archipelago. They comply with the captive breeding programme and then return to repopulate the areas where their population has been affected. The land iguanas of Santa Cruz, Isabela and North
Seymour are also in a captive breeding programme, as the populations in these areas suffered from feral dogs. One of the main attractions is the famous embalmed Lonesome
George. Estimated to have died between 93 and 109 years of age, it is recognised as the last of its kind and a symbol of the efforts invested to conserve endangered species. The captive tortoises are used to the presence of visitors, so it's a great place to take photos with them.

Day 2
Floreana Island

Cormorant Point and Devil’s Crown
The peninsula of Cormorant Point forms the extreme north cape of Floreana, which exists out of smaller volcanic cones, covered by a tropical dry forest of palo santo. At the landing beach, you will be welcomed by a small Galapagos sea lion colony. The green sand on this beach contains a high percentage of glassy olivine crystals which have been blown out by the surrounding tuff cones. The “flour sand” beach on the southern side of the peninsula is made up of even finer white coral sand which feels very smooth on the feet. Parrotfish have pulverised it, grinding the calcareous skeletons of living coral. You can spot schools of stingrays who love the sandy bottom to hide. During the first months of the year, Pacific green turtles come ashore to bury their eggs.
Devil’s Crown offers one of the best snorkelling spots in the Galapagos due to the coral reef in its centre, which attracts a lot of marine life. Here you can spot Galapagos penguins, sea lions, sea turtles, many different colourful fish and even some dolphins. The current can be a
bit strong sometimes, so it should not be attempted by novice swimmers.

Post Office Bay and Baroness Lookout
Historically, this site is the location of a wooden barrel that was placed there in the 18th century by the crew of a whaling ship. Letters found inside the barrel were collected and delivered by sailors returning home. There was no postage fee and, surprisingly, this mailbox and its honour system are still in use today. Although letters are no longer important messages from sailors to their loved ones, tourists leave thousands of them today and many still reach their destination. You can also relax on the beach, where in addition to Galapagos sea lions, Pacific green turtles and golden rays, you may see Galapagos penguins. This is the only place in the southeastern archipelago where penguins reside. You can also climb the small basaltic cone of the Baroness Lookout and enjoy the coastline’s paradisiacal views. This viewpoint was the favourite spot of one of Floreana's first settlers, the eccentric baroness and self-proclaimed "Empress of Galapagos" Eloisa von Wagner, who even built her house a few metres further back.

Day 3
Española Island

Osborn Islet and Gardner Bay
The striking white beach at Gardner Bay is an important breeding site for Pacific green turtles. However, without a doubt, its main attraction is the Galapagos sea lion colony. Females stay year-round in this nursery, suckling their pups until they are three years old, although they start to fish at five months. During the breeding and mating season, the colony
becomes even bigger.

Suarez Point
Huge ocean waves crash onto the southern basaltic cliffs of Suarez Point, forming a spectacular blowhole, where the water sprays metres high into the air (depending on the season, the tide and how strongly the sea breeze pushes the waves). Take your time for a meditative break in silence on this emblematic viewpoint, and convert this unforgettable moment into a lifetime experience.

Day 4
San Cristobal Island

Pitt Point
Two wind-sculptured tuff cones at Pitt Point make up the extreme eastern end of San Cristobal, thus the archipelago. These cliffs were the first sight of land when HMS Beagle and Charles Darwin arrived on the 15th of September, 1835. On the small green sand beach, you will be welcomed by a group of barking Galapagos sea lions. This is a bachelor colony, where males usually relax and prepare themselves for fighting and mating.

Witch Hill
This site’s primary attraction is the coral sand beach, an excellent place to swim and snorkel. Witch Hill is the remains of a tuff cone and one of the first sites visited by Charles Darwin. It has an impressive landscape, where it is often possible to see coastal and migratory birds, including pelicans, blue-footed boobies and swallow-tailed gulls; as well as sea lions and marine iguanas. At times, the lagoon is completely dry and deposits of salt can be found at the bottom. The people of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno used to use the lagoon as a salt

Day 5
Lobos Islet San Cristobal Departure

Lobos Islet
The Lobos Islet’s beach harbours a colony of Galapagos sea lions. As in other colonies in the archipelago, you can approach nurturing females within a few metres. In the breeding season, this colony is also visited by territorial males, defending and mating the harem on their part of the beach. This low islet is home to more than just Galapagos sea lions. Two other emblematic species breed here: male blue-footed boobies and great frigate birds who try to impress the females (and tourists) with clumsy dances, heaving their striking blue feet or blowing up their balloon-sized scarlet pouches. During the breeding season, the fluffy
and hungry chicks cry for food, and when their wings get strong enough, they will learn to fly.

After this, assisted by the naturalist guide and some crew members, you will be taken to San Cristobal airport for your departure.

What’s Included

  • Included Copy 20 Cabin on board with ensuite
  • Included Copy 31 Solo travellers are able to book a twin cabin on a same sex sharing basis - No surcharge
  • Included Copy 20 All Meals while on board, water, tea and coffee
Fees & Services
  • Included Copy 20 All guided excursions & activities as mentioned in the itinerary
  • Included Copy 20 A National Park certified naturalist guide
  • Included Copy 20 Beach towels & snorkelling gear
  • Included Copy 20 Use of kayaks
  • Included Copy 20 Transfers airport/yacht/airport in Galapagos
  • Included Copy 31 Optional wetsuit hire
  • Included Copy 7 Galapagos Islands National Park Entrance Fee & TCT USD$220 (Subject to change)
  • Included Copy 7 Return flights Quito or Guayaquil / Galapagos Islands

Archipel I

16 Passengers


  • Included Galapagos giant tortoises in their natural habitat
  • Included Guided Hikes, walks and land excursions
  • Included Great bird life- flamingos, Blue and red footed boobies, albatross, and frigate birds
  • Included Swim, snorkel or kayak
  • Included Great photo opportunities - like marine iguanas on the beach
  • Included Breeding colony of American flamingos on Floreana
  • Included Bring a postcard to mail home from the Galapagos at Post Office Bay
Click here for dates & prices

5 days

Price from

$3,095 USD

Per person, sharing

Based on an ocean view cabin

Departs select Thursdays