High Arctic Explorer

From Kangerlussuaq, Greenland to Qausuittuq (Resolute), NU, Canada OR From Qausuittuq Canada to Kangerlussuaq, Greenland
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Tour Description

Join a 13 day expedition cruise exploring the High Arctic: Greenland and Canadas Arctic regions.

Witness huge icebergs at Ilulissat, visit Beechey Island, enjoy Inuit culture and spot arctic wildlife as you explore Greenland and Canada. 

Voyage from Qausuittuq to  Kangerlussuaq or vice versa onboard the Ocean Endeavour. Along they way stop by the Franklin Journey Historical Site on Beechey Island to pay your respects at a haunting monument commemorating Sir John Franklin's doomed expedition. The National Marine Conservation Area of Lancaster Sound is the newest in Canada. Observe polar bears and other wildlife both on land and at sea as you cruise a glacier face and hike the tundra. Visit Mittimatalik (Pond Inlet) to witness a performance by the skilled Tununiq Arsarniit Theatre Group and gain insight into Inuit customs and traditions.

Greenland's West Coast, home to both towering peaks and delicate tundra flora, will be reached after crossing the Davis Strait. Explore West Greenland's complex coastal waterways, which include glaciers, islands, and fjords against a towering mountain backdrop, with plenty of options for hiking and Zodiac cruising.

Along the way, keep a lookout for seabirds, marine mammals, and polar bears in these unique wild and remote Arctic regions.

Viva's Best Bits...

Culture and history - Learn about the fascinating Inuit culture by visiting the Mittimatalik community and interact with the residents, and pay your respects at one of the most notorious sites in the Arctic: Beechey Island.

Cruise pristine natural areas to spot amazing Arctic wildlife Seek seabirds, marine mammals, and polar bears in this unique, protected habitat.

Visit the fastest-calving glacier in the world, which spills thousands of enormous icebergs into the spectacular Ilulissat Icefjord in Disko Bay, Greenland every year. View the icebergs from the shore on a hike and then cruise among them on a zodiac!

Tour Itinerary

Day 1
Kangerlussuaq, Greenland: Cross the Arctic Circle

Cross the Arctic Circle
After your charter flight from Toronto, ON, you’ll transfer to the Ocean Endeavour by Zodiac.

Begin your journey by sailing down Kangerlussuaq Fjord (Søndre Strømfjord), a 190-kilometre-long fjord surrounded by mountains and glaciers, and cross the Arctic Circle on your way.

Kangerlussuaq, the settlement at the head of the fjord, is a former US Air Force base and Greenland’s primary flight hub.

Day 2
Sisimiut Coast

Witness Stunning Glaciers, Islands, and Fjords
Explore West Greenland’s complex coastal waterways that includes glaciers, islands, and fjords against a towering mountain backdrop, with plentiful opportunities for hiking and Zodiac cruising.

Learn about the Saqqaq, Dorset, Thule, and modern Inuit cultures that have called the Sisimiut region home for the past 4,500 years.

The waters are relatively warm here, due to the West Greenland Current and the subarctic location.

Day 3

Take a Zodiac Cruise Around Towering Icebergs
Visit the town of Ilulissat, with splendid museums, cafés, craft shops, and a busy fishing harbour.

View the icebergs from shore on a hike along the boardwalk at this UNESCO World Heritage Site, then board a Zodiac to cruise your way among them!

Ilulissat translates literally to “iceberg”—an apt name for this site at the mouth of the Sermeq Kujalleq glacier, a source of many of the icebergs in the North Atlantic.

Day 4
Western Greenland

Hike the Tundra
Choose the activity you like best during an expedition landing on Greenland’s stunning west coast.

Whether you prefer hiking, walking, photography, or sitting contemplatively, you’ll be delighted!

Admire the mighty mountains and the tiniest tundra flowers—a stop in this area will offer many outstanding features to pique your interest. 

Day 5
At Sea — Davis Strait

Deepen your understanding of the Arctic as we steam across the Davis Strait towards Nunavut, Canada.

Enjoy workshops and presentations, watch a documentary, and get out on deck with your binoculars to look for whales, seabirds, and marine wildlife.

Day 6
Mittimatalik (Pond Inlet), NU, Canada

Attend a cultural performance put on by the talented Tununiq Arsarniit Theatre Group, featuring drum dancing, throat singing, and storytelling.

Mittimatalik is a busy Arctic community in a beautiful setting—the views of nearby Bylot Island are stunning!

Enjoy exploring the town and take the opportunity to purchase unique handcrafted mementos when available, too.

Day 7-11
Tallurutiup Imanga (Lancaster Sound) & Devon Island

Seek Whales, Seabirds, and Polar Bears
Spend four fun-filled days exploring Tallurutiup Imanga (Lancaster Sound), one of Canada's newest National Marine Conservation Areas.

Cruise by ship and by Zodiac in search of narwhal, beluga, and bowhead whales that transit and feed in this area.

Admire Devon Island’s unique geological character, with its flat-topped mountains, glacial valleys, and substantial ice cap. At the northern edge of Tallurutiup Imanga, it’s the largest uninhabited island on Earth at over 50,000 square kilometres.

Hike the tundra, cruise a glacier face, and keep your eyes peeled for polar bears and other wildlife from ship and from shore.

Visit archaeological sites with expert interpretation to learn about the human history of Inuit and their ancestors who once lived on this now-abandoned island.

Then catch a glimpse of more recent history when you visit the remains of a Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Hudson's Bay Company site at Dundas Harbour.

Day 12
Beechey Island

Visit a Franklin Expedition Historical Site
Pay your respects at this haunting memorial to Sir John Franklin’s failed expedition.

Learn the compelling history of the HMS Erebus and HMS Terror’s attempts to sail through the Northwest Passage.

Franklin’s crew overwintered at Beechey Island, where three of his men died, and numerous search parties later used the spot as a depot and rendezvous. Thomas Morgan of the HMS Investigator was buried here in 1854 alongside Franklin’s men.

Visit their graves and the ruins of nearby Northumberland House while contemplating the poignant history.

Day 13
Qausuittuq (Resolute), NU, Canada

Wave a Fond Farewell
Say your goodbyes to the Arctic in Qausuittuq (Resolute). The community’s name, meaning “place with no dawn,” comes from its dark winters, but during your visit at the height of summer, you’ll experience the midnight sun—a time of no darkness.

Take in the unique geography and geology here, characterized by shoreline gravel flats, rocky coastal bluffs, and deposits of glacial moraine.

Learn about the significance of the origin of the hamlet; in 1953, Inuit from Inukjuak, Québec and Mittimatalik were relocated under false pretences by the Canadian government with the aim of asserting Canadian sovereignty.

Today the community is home to just under 250 people and is an important staging point for High Arctic research, tourism, and military activities.

Disembark the Ocean Endeavour and transfer by Zodiac to shore for your charter flight to Ottawa, ON.

Day 1

After your charter flight from Ottawa, ON, you’ll transfer to the Ocean Endeavour by Zodiac.

Begin your journey in Qausuittuq (Resolute). The community’s name, meaning “place with no dawn,” comes from its dark winters, but during your visit at the height of summer, you’ll experience the midnight sun—a time of no darkness.

Take in the unique geography and geology here, characterized by shoreline gravel flats, rocky coastal bluffs, and deposits of glacial moraine.

Learn about the significance of the origin of the hamlet; in 1953, Inuit from Inukjuak, Québec and Mittimatalik were relocated under false pretences by the Canadian government with the aim of asserting Canadian sovereignty.

Today the community is home to just under 250 people and is an important staging point for High Arctic research, tourism, and military activities.

Day 2
Beechey Island

Pay your respects at this haunting memorial to Sir John Franklin’s failed expedition.

Learn the compelling history of the HMS Erebus and HMS Terror’s attempts to sail through the Northwest Passage.

Franklin’s crew overwintered at Beechey Island, where three of his men died, and numerous search parties later used the spot as a depot and rendezvous. Thomas Morgan of the HMS Investigator was buried here in 1854 alongside Franklin’s men.

Visit their graves and the ruins of nearby Northumberland House while contemplating the poignant history.

Day 3-7
Tallurutiup Imanga Devon Island

Spend four fun-filled days exploring Tallurutiup Imanga (Lancaster Sound), one of Canada's newest National Marine Conservation Areas.

Cruise by ship and by Zodiac in search of narwhal, beluga, and bowhead whales that transit and feed in this area.

Admire Devon Island’s unique geological character, with its flat-topped mountains, glacial valleys, and substantial ice cap. At the northern edge of Tallurutiup Imanga, it’s the largest uninhabited island on Earth at over 50,000 square kilometres.

Hike the tundra, cruise a glacier face, and keep your eyes peeled for polar bears and other wildlife from ship and from shore.

Visit archaeological sites with expert interpretation to learn about the human history of Inuit and their ancestors who once lived on this now-abandoned island.

Then catch a glimpse of more recent history when you visit the remains of a Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Hudson's Bay Company site at Dundas Harbour.

Day 8
Mittimatalik (Pond Inlet)

Attend a cultural performance put on by the talented Tununiq Arsarniit Theatre Group, featuring drum dancing, throat singing, and storytelling.

Mittimatalik is a busy Arctic community in a beautiful setting—the views of nearby Bylot Island are stunning!

Enjoy exploring the town and take the opportunity to purchase unique handcrafted mementos when available, too.

Day 9
At Sea - Davis Strait

Deepen your understanding of the Arctic as we steam across the Davis Strait towards Greenland.

Enjoy workshops and presentations, watch a documentary, and get out on deck with your binoculars to look for whales, seabirds, and marine wildlife.

Day 10
Western Greenland

Choose the activity you like best during an expedition landing on Greenland’s stunning west coast.

Whether you prefer hiking, walking, photography, or sitting contemplatively, you’ll be delighted!

Admire the mighty mountains and the tiniest tundra flowers—a stop in this area will offer many outstanding features to pique your interest. 

Day 11

Visit the town of Ilulissat, with splendid museums, cafés, craft shops, and a busy fishing harbour.

View the icebergs from shore on a hike along the boardwalk at this UNESCO World Heritage Site, then board a Zodiac to cruise your way among them!

Ilulissat translates literally to “iceberg”—an apt name for this site at the mouth of the Sermeq Kujalleq glacier, a source of many of the icebergs in the North Atlantic.

Day 12
Sisimiut Coast

Explore West Greenland’s complex coastal waterways that includes glaciers, islands, and fjords against a towering mountain backdrop, with plentiful opportunities for hiking and Zodiac cruising.

Learn about the Saqqaq, Dorset, Thule, and modern Inuit cultures that have called the Sisimiut region home for the past 4,500 years.

The waters are relatively warm here, due to the West Greenland Current and the subarctic location.

Day 13

Complete your journey up Kangerlussuaq Fjord (Søndre Strømfjord), a 190-kilometre-long fjord surrounded by mountains and glaciers, and cross the Arctic Circle one last time on your way.

Kangerlussuaq, the settlement at the head of the fjord, is a former US Air Force base and Greenland’s primary flight hub.

Transfer by Zodiac to shore, then ride to the airport by bus for your charter flight to Toronto, ON.

What’s Included

  • Included Copy 20 Cabin accommodation on board the Ocean Endeavour
  • Included Copy 31 Cabin upgrades available
  • Included Copy 20 All shipboard meals
Fees & Services
  • Included Copy 20 Passage aboard the Ocean Endeavour
  • Included Copy 20 Port fees and applicable taxes
  • Included Copy 20 Complimentary expedition jacket
  • Included Copy 20 All Zodiac excursions
  • Included Copy 20 Special access permits, entry, and park fees
  • Included Copy 20 Expert expedition team
  • Included Copy 20 Guided activities, sightseeing and community visits
  • Included Copy 20 Educational program & Interactive workshops & evening entertainment
  • Included Copy 20 Evening entertainment
  • Included Copy 31 Charter flights additional charge
  • Included Copy 31 No solo supplement (select cabins), 30% discount for under 30 year olds, family friendly
  • Included Copy 7 International flights, visas, Gratuities, Laundry, bar, beverage and other personal expenses
  • Included Copy 7 Mandatory medical evacuation insurance

Ocean Endeavour

200 Passengers


  • Included Zodiac excurions
  • Included Polar Plunge
  • Included Hike the tundra
  • Included Witness spectacular ice formations and fjords
  • Included Discover the wildlife of the Arctic
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13 days

Price from

$9,995 $7,497 USD

Per person, sharing

Based on a quad cabin

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